The Herdade
Registered in the National Tourist Enterprise Register (RNET) under No. 4526
Situated on the foothill of the Grândola Mountain Range, the Herdade (Homestead) das Barradas da Serra is an active farm responsible for the management of a total area of about 800 hectares (1976 ac), property of the same family for five generations.
It is on this setting, in the middle of a cork oak forest, but only at a fifteen minute drive from the beaches on the Alentejo coast and an hour drive from Lisbon, that an authentic and harmonious rural tourism emerges, a place where you will feel at home and always tempted to return to.

At Barradas da Serra, one can live peace, nature and agriculture, seeking the balance among these dimensions. It gives us great pleasure to be able to share this place with our guests and present them with experiences that could only occur here.
At Barradas da Serra all our guests have names and it pleases us that they do not forget ours.

The history of Barradas da Serra goes back to completely different times in which the families that worked here lived on the farm and cared for small pieces of land where they kept their own cattle, their vegetable gardens and their olive groves and orchards and in which agriculture assumed a main role.
Back in the “holy year of 1950” the family was awarded a merit diploma for producing wheat for... 50 years. The products of the farm have changed throughout the years, but the dedication to this unique territory and the pride of keeping it united have always been a constant.
It was based on the hard work of several generations that Barradas da Serra was formed, always keeping in mind the respect for history, for the territorial unity and for the preservation of the ecosystem that predominates in it, the cork oak forest, which is still the major income source and the biggest employment originator, not only on the farm but also in the region.
It was in 2009 that the most recent step was taken, to share this unique place with all of those who wish to visit it. It was that ideal that led to the creation of a hotel in a rural space.